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Study on abnormal transmission of date frames based on PT-CAN bus. 2.Study on fault diagnosis method and application of automobile power supply based on fault tree- Bayesian network. 3.WNK-CAN BusOS5us^hKmpenc'^_8^ OvՋxvz. 4.uirglSR:gqpyr'`N~|irc>eyr'`. 5.WNUEGOOS5us^hKm}ll:g_8^qpvxvz. 6.glUϑ[2u-glSqeSR:gNOxT|irc>evq_TՋxvz. 7.NLub'Y[}lfb/gyvSR:g{t!jWWRg. 8.SR:g5ulʋeb/g. 9.NyR`v}lf'l OaRpel. 10.Ny)R(u^lpSR:gۏlvňn       ! $1 5J NW [i k n1.Journal of Advanced Transportation 2.Security and Communication Networks 3.}lfb/g 4.['Yf[f[b(6qyf[Hr) 5.uQN'Yf[f[b 6.uQN'Yf[f[b 7.NlNQHr>y 8.NlNQHr>yH1.,{N\O 2.,{N\O 3.,{N\O 4.,{N\O 5.,{N\O 6.,{N\O 7.,{N\O 8.,{N\O 9.,{ N[bN 10.,{mQ[bNj1.SCI(]h"}) 2.SCI]U_(u 3.CSCDC (]h"}) 4.CSCDC (]h"}) 5.CSCDC (]h"}) 6.CSCDC ]h"} 7.NW 8.NW 9.SfN)R 10.SfN)RhTe"f] zOgWNZ[yr_Tv%Џ[f[hQΘi{tb/gxvz 1.A novel risk evaluation for vehicle failure modes using a hybrid method under fuzzy environment 2.A Novel Hybrid Approach for Risk Evaluation of Vehicle Failure Modes 3.:_SՋb/g(WfS`'`Ջ-Nv^(u 4.!j|sX N}lfEe!j_Θi4ls^~TċNel K1.International Journal of Crashworthiness 2.SENSORSJCRN:S 3.:gh 4.:ghyf[Nb/g1.,{N\O2.,{N\O3.,{N\O[^N\O 4.,{N\O* 1.SCI(]h"})2.SCI(]h"})3.CSCD(]h"})4.CSCD(]h"}):vfvf fenN] zH fgl/}ll/Z2u'lWN2umTqeU0qpNc>eyr'`vxvz1.Optical study on the spray and combustion of diesel cyclopentanol blend fuels on a constant volume chamber 2.Spray and combustion characteristics of polyoxymethylene dimethyl ethers and diesel blends in a constant volume chamber 3.Combustion Study of Polyoxymethylene Dimethyl Ethers and Diesel Blend Fuels on an Optical Engine 4.Investigation on combustion and emission characteristics of diesel and gasoline blends with exhaust gas recirculation n1.Fuel 2.Energy Reports 3.Energies 4.Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects ,{N\O SCIe2\*gh"} RY}Џ]wQЏ(u] zu^ gYNOgq^sX Nf~vNΘiawS~vL:N:gtxvz4 1 Analysis of Factors Affecting a Driver s Driving Speed Selection in Low Illumination (2)Exploring factors affecting the severity of night-time vehicle accidents under low illumination conditions 3 Exploring Factors Affecting E-Bike Riders Red-Light Running Behaviors at Signalized Intersections in China     ](1)Journal of Advanced Transportation (2)Advances in Mechanical Engineering 3 CICTP2020-2021(1),{N (2),{N (3),{N(1)SCI (2)SCI (3)EIsQWNpencqRvSNNEe:Wof͑^SǏ zQsb/gxvz1. Road traffic accident scene detection and mapping system based on aerial photography 2. Scene recognition of road traffic accident based on an improved faster R-CNN algorithm 3.One dimensional cellular automaton traffic flow model based on defensive driving strategy1.International Journal of Crashworthiness 2.International Journal of Crashworthiness 3.International Journal of CrashworthinessSCI]h"}  _^t[퐔^eTezzr`S:Wofyr_vzf}lfЏLΘiKmxvz 1.Vehicle Motion State Prediction Method Integrating Point Cloud Time Series Multiview Features and Multitarget Interactive Information;2.WN‰Kmpenc\o(Wyr_NSTwg_Q~vfhKm;3.WNoIQplTϑvf[eMOY0O4.WNOoIQvW^NSSvhƋ+Rb/g;5.WNpN:WofAmyr_cSvЏRvhMOn0Oel    F 1.JOURNAL OF ADVANCED TRANSPORTATION 2.}lfb/g 3.}lfb/g 4. OahVN_|~ 5.6R NꁨRS %',.35=?) 1.,{N\O 2.,{N\O[^N\O 3.,{N\O 4.,{N\O 5.,{N\O  "$%1.SCI2.CSCD; 3.CSCD; 4.CSCD; 5.CSCD  _Ŗ=NN 1.Design of an Energy-Saving Driving Strategy for Electric Buses2.~5uRlQNfۏQz~vV{euvNNw3.~5uRlQNf~vXTu`~vΘ F? 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